
My favorite food

My favorite food is noodles with sauce, especially spiral noodles with tomato sauce, oregano and garlic. The noodles are made of flour with spices then processed to be cooked and boiled, there are different preparations and sauces. I love noodles because they are easy to cook, take little time and their flavor is the best. I usually top them with grated cheese and they are wonderful. Eating noodles every day is not recommended because they are only carbohydrates and do not provide all the nutrients needed. However, there are weeks when I only eat noodles because of what I said before, they are easy and quick to cook, and they are delicious. 

My Favorite Piece of Technology

My favorite piece of technology is the cell phone. I find it to be a wonderful device in that you can do multiple things with it from a simple phone call to editing a file, etc. Plus I can use it everyday and anywhere. This also has negative consequences since sometimes it bothers me to get together with a friend and he only sees his phone, but that's just a detail since I can communicate with friends everywhere thanks to different applications that have phones. I don't think it is necessary to recommend its use since nowadays most people have a cell phone.

Why did I choose my major?

  I choose my major beacuse i always love art and everything related with the art but im not really good at that so I started researching about everything related to art, with this I came to design and discovered the different areas that it offers. Now that I am studying it I notice that there is a love hate towards the career because it is not completely what I expected and that is probably because it is not art and every career has its theoretical part.When I was a child I dreamed of being a singer or famous and with time I realized that if I was good at something I could be famous, it is still my dream haha. I also wanted to study astronomy or any area of design. Here is an image of a job that I loved but didn't go very well
  me  Hello my name is Alen, I am 21 years old I live in Santiago, Chile. I study design in the Univesidad de Chile. I live in Santiago Centro with my father and my two cats cucha and cabezon. I like going dancing and rollerblading also i like go out with my friends. I like watch anime and listen music to. I have a store where I sell accesories I have that store many years ago but I put it aside and my sales went down now Im taking back a lot of things like my store and skating something that I didnt do for 4 years. I hope keep doing the thing that i like and dont let them like i always do. 😓